Monday 23 November 2009

i love my frens ^_^

an eventful day, an unforgettable day :)
today i was kicked out from the stupid engineering project class by a lecturer whom i HATE now, it was all because i was talking QUIETLY with sum1 about sumthing important, it was unfair because evry1 else were talking QUIETLY too, why should i be the only 1 who was kicked out. it was sooooo embarrassing!!
when i went out, on my way to the library, i heard sum1 calling my name, it was my fren, the one who i talked to in class :p apparently as soon as i went out, 6-10 of my frens went out after me! huhuhuhuh!!! i cant believe they would do that for me ^_^ eventho their reasons might be different but i felt like they did it as a protest for kicking me out, the lecturer had to ask the students to come back in, but they just ignored him. wuhuu!! they felt like the lecturer did that just because i was wearing a scarf (im the only 1 in class wearing a scarf).....most of the students who went out were muslims :) so now i know how protected i am in uni...heheheh. alhamdulillah. i love you guys! ^_^

Tuesday 17 November 2009

perasaan seperti ini....

saye tgh stress, maka dgn itu saye takde mood, bila saye takde mood saye akan nangis sbb saye stress dan beberapa minit selapas itu saya akan jadi gile seperti kini, maka dgn ini saye akan merepek disini...
dah lama dah tak update blog kan? mmg lame pon, since june kan. maklumlah kalau blk malaysia internet takde maka tak online justeru tak bukak blog...
disini saye nak menyatakan bahawa saye tak suke org yg sombong, ade org dlm kelas saye dr zimbabwe, kurang asam gile, saye tak suke die, die telah contribute beberapa amount of stress into my mind n my life. mungkin sbb die dr negara die, die takde adab, die ingat die paling hebat dlm dunia ni, tapi tak perlu kooot nak underestimate org lain, tak perlu ingat org lain bodoh. kenape nak jadi mcm tu?
kenapa ade org yg asik nak menang je? da world doesnt revolve around YOU ok?? org lain tak perlu ikut ckp YOU je!! why cant YOU at least consider other peoples' feelings.....apsal nak jadi mcm tu?? selfish mcm bangang...sumerang pon ade sifat selfish, tapi agak-agak laa baaang...sumtimes u have to be considerate...
haaaaa, kan dah saye marah, ini adalah sume yg terpendam dlm hati saye skarang, namun ade lagi yg tersurat, tak tau nak lepas kat mane, takpelah, biaaarkan.....